PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveOn Demand Materialized Views: A Scalable Solution for Graphs, Analysis or Machine LearningA Scalable Solution of MongoDB Data Aggregation for Graphs, Analysis or Machine Learning using the new $merge pipeline operator.Sep 25, 2020Sep 25, 2020
PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveSQS Consumer Design: Achieving High Scalability while managing concurrency in GoHow a migration from RabbitMQ to AWS SQS/SNS led to a 4000% increase in speedJun 17, 20187Jun 17, 20187
Published inTDS ArchiveContent Security Policy: How to create an Iron-Clad nonce based CSP3 policy with Webpack and NginxStep by step guide to serve a strict CSP policy in Nginx, utilize Webpack’s nonce feature, and a custom Webpack plugin to properly apply itMar 18, 2022Mar 18, 2022
Introducing GraphQL to Microservice Architecture: A Case for Splitting Queries and Mutations into…AbstractNov 23, 2019Nov 23, 2019
A Scalable Solution to Ordering Data by Priority or RankHow to order data by priority or rank when scaling to millions of data pointsNov 28, 20172Nov 28, 20172
Looping through an S3 Bucket and performing actions using the AWS-CLI and BASHHow to connect to the AWS via the CLI and perform actions on S3 and moreMar 13, 2017Mar 13, 2017
Want a Job in Silicon Valley? Learn to codeA redemption piece on Coding SchoolsDec 7, 2016Dec 7, 2016
S3 Image Uploads via AWS-SDK with GolangUploading files and varying types of media can always be a headache. I was recently tasked with building out a media service; a dedicated…Feb 3, 20167Feb 3, 20167
ES6: Return of JavascriptThis is the third and final installment of my blog trilogy on ES6 based on the information presented by Aaron Frost on Pluralsight. If you…Jun 9, 2015Jun 9, 2015
ES6: ECMAscript Strikes BackFor the second edition of my ES6 blog trilogy, we are going to take a quick peek at some really cool features such as, symbols, maps…May 25, 2015May 25, 2015